Who does not like to have a cool cold drink in the summer season? From the market to the fridge of the house, cold drinks are filled everywhere. If the cold drink is not cold, then one does not even feel like drinking it. But what if you are asked to boil a cold drink? In the past, Fanta Maggi was becoming very viral on social media. People were cringing seeing him and don't know how many comments had come on Twitter.

Nowadays, a lot happens in the name of fusion food and some dishes have started being prepared where the food is heated. In such a situation, if the cold drink is heated, then what will be its effect? If someone is heating cold drinks in the name of fusion food, what will be its effect?

There have been many examples of heating cold drinks. But is it true? What kind of chemical reaction does this cause? Does this have any effect on health as well? Is it okay to mix cold drinks with anything else? Today we will give you the answers to all these questions.

Coca cola, Sprite and Fanta Maggi

What happens if you heat a cold drink?

First of all, let me tell you that its process will be completely scientific. Carbon dioxide gas is found in cold drinks, soda, beer etc. It is in the soluble form that causes the fizz to remain inside the bottle.

Research from UCSB Scienceline explains how heating a cold drink will make a difference. Doing so affects the carbonation present inside it. Due to this, carbon dioxide gas starts flying rapidly. This is somewhat similar to the process that happens when the lid of a cold drink is kept open. The gas inside the drink starts coming out as steam.

After this, only a little coloured liquid and sugar remain in this drink. When the carbonation process is completely over, the colour of this drink also starts changing. If you keep the cold drink bottle with the lid open, then this process will be very slow and its fizz will take some time, but if you boil the cold drink, then this process will be very fast and the smoke will also come out more. After this chemical reaction, the original taste of the cold drink will also change a lot.

Is it okay to heat cold drinks?

Research believes that apart from the chemical reaction, heating does not cause any other harm. Yes, it will make a difference if you are heating a cold drink stored in a plastic or glass bottle. That's why it is said that cold drink bottles should not be kept in the sun. Not only does this affect the taste, but it can also leach chemicals into the drink.

Does a hot or cold drink have any effect on health?

The answer is a bit complicated. Drinking cold drinks affects health anyway. Research believes that a glass of cold drink contains about 6 teaspoons of sugar. In such a situation, if cold drinks are consumed regularly, there may be a risk of increasing the blood sugar level. There is no change in drinking hot or cold drinks. The health risks are the same as those of drinking chilled cold drinks. Apart from this, both hot and cold drinks are not good for health.


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