Diwali 2021 Did you know that it is very important to remove some things from the house in the cleanliness of Diwali.

Mother Lakshmi does not live in a house with some ominous things and is always short of money. The auspicious festival of Diwali is coming and people have already started preparing for it. Before Diwali, people clean their houses.

Doors and walls are painted, to shine. But did you know that it is very important to keep some things out of the house in Diwali cleanliness. Mother Lakshmi does not live in a house with some ominous things and is always short of money.

Closed clock - Having a closed clock in the house is also said to be inauspicious in architecture. The clock is considered a symbol of happiness and progress. If you have a broken or closed clock in your house, remove it before Diwali.

Broken Furniture - It is better to avoid things like broken furniture like table, chair or table in the house. Home furniture should always be in perfect condition. Architecturally bad furniture has a bad effect on the house.

Broken Utensils - Never have broken utensils in the house. Get the broken utensils out of the house this Diwali. It is considered inauspicious to keep broken utensils in the house.

Broken Idols - Do not leave broken idols in the house. Such idols work to increase misfortune in the home. After cleaning, place a new idol of God in the temple of the house. It is very auspicious to do so.

Broken glass - It is considered very inauspicious to keep broken glass in the house. If a window, bulb or face mirror is broken somewhere in your house, remove it during Diwali cleaning. Broken glass objects bring negative energy into the house.

Electrical Appliances - If you have electrical appliances in your home, such as bulbs, tube lights or power switches, put them out or repair them. Darkness during Diwali is considered a symbol of bad luck and has a detrimental effect on health.

Shoes-Slippers - If you have old and torn shoes and slippers in your house, don't forget to take them out while cleaning for Diwali. Torn shoes and slippers bring negativity and misfortune into the home.