PCOD is a hormonal condition. Which has been seen more and more in women in the last few years. Due to this, both the fertility and periods of women are affected. In this health condition, small cysts or lumps form in the ovaries of women. Irregular periods, very little or more flow during periods, unwanted hair on the face, increase in weight, all these symptoms are seen in PCOD. To manage this, a change in diet is most important. Besides, the correct lifestyle should also be followed. In winter, the symptoms of PCOD can be managed to a great extent by including some special things in the diet. Dietitian Manpreet is giving information about this. Manpreet has done a Masters in Nutrition from Delhi University. She is a hormone and gut health coach.

Turmeric for PCOD

Turmeric is very beneficial for women suffering from PCOD. Women who have PCOD have low immunity and high free radicals. Curcumin present in turmeric is an anti-inflammatory compound and reduces inflammation. This also boosts immunity.

Eat ginger in PCOD

Women must consume ginger in PCOD. Especially, ginger is very beneficial in winter. It reduces inflammation and reduces testosterone hormone levels. This male hormone increases PCOD in women, which needs to be reduced.

Lemon is beneficial in PCOD

Lemon is also beneficial in PCOD. It contains Vitamin C in high quantities. It boosts immunity and helps in detoxifying the body. Toxins accumulated in the body also become the cause of many problems.

Eat Amla in PCOD

Eating Amla is considered beneficial in PCOD. It contains Vitamin C. Amla not only balances hormones, but it is anti-inflammatory. Anti-oxidants are also found in large quantities in Amla, which prevents many diseases.

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