Diabetes, which is also called sugar in common language, is a serious disease. If diabetes is not controlled, then this disease starts eating our body. It has been revealed in the reports that about 90 per cent people come to know about suffering from sugar after a long time. This disease cannot be eradicated from the root, although it can definitely be controlled. Sugar patients are advised to be active in taking care of their diet to keep it under control. By the way, whether a sugar patient should eat potato or not, this question often remains. Learn from experts whether potatoes should be consumed in diabetes or not. Also, what qualities are present in it.

Know whether you should eat potatoes with sugar or not
Experts and Dr. Santosh are running a medical awareness campaign, in which it has been said that sugar patients can consume potatoes in the right quantity. Potato is a kind of vegetable, but it also includes the properties of cereals. It contains hard carbohydrates as well as starch. If we talk about its other properties, then tell that many nutrients like potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc are also present in it. Experts say that if you consume nutrient-rich potatoes in the right way, then it can reduce the risk of increasing blood sugar.

Other benefits associated with potatoes
Experts say that consumption of new potatoes can be beneficial for diabetic patients. Its glycemic index is around 70. It is said that foods with glycemic index more than 70 can harm health. If you want to reduce the glycemic index of potato, then you should eat it with leafy vegetables. By the way, a diabetic patient should consume at least 200 grams of carbohydrates in a day.

Use potatoes like this
Experts say that potatoes should always be consumed with other vegetables. You can eat aloo-puri for breakfast. Antioxidant potatoes also contain vitamin C. Apart from this, it can be eaten with potato curry, peas, cabbage and brinjal. The electrolyte present in it helps in the functioning of our heart, muscles, nervous system. Potato peel contains fiber, which keeps digestion healthy. However, if you want to lose weight, do not eat potatoes. Potato should not be eaten in heart disease.