Diabetes has become a very common disease not only in India but all over the world and crores of people are falling prey to it. The reason for this can be genetic, but usually, it can also be due to a poor lifestyle and unhealthy food. Diabetes patients have to take special care of their health, otherwise, there is a risk of many other diseases. Let us know what is that natural thing, with the help of which blood sugar level can be reduced.

The evergreen plant is the enemy of diabetes
Ayushi Yadav, a famous dietician working at GIMS Hospital in Greater Noida, told that it is not necessary to use expensive medicines to control glucose levels, you can get the desired result through some home and natural remedies. Is. In such a situation, the leaves of evergreen flowers can prove to be helpful for you.

Evergreen is full of medicinal properties
The evergreen plant has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. Not only for diabetes, but it is also a herbal remedy for diseases like sore throat, leukemia, and malaria. Important compounds like alkaloids and tannins are found in this plant. Apart from this, this plant contains more than 100 alkaloids which are very beneficial for our bodies.

The blood sugar level is controlled
Evergreen is originally produced on the African island of Madagascar, but it is also easily found in India, its pink and white flowers are very beautiful to look at, which is why many people use it for decoration. Its green leaves work as a natural medicine for type-2 diabetes patients. It does not allow the blood sugar level to increase and this maintains the good health of diabetic patients.

How to use Evergreen?
First, dry the leaves evergreen in the sun and then grind them and keep them in an air-tight vial. Mix this powder with water or fresh fruit juice daily and then consume it. If you want, you can chew 2 to 4 leaves every day. Anti-diabetic properties are also found in its pink flowers. Boil these flowers in a cup of water and then filter them with a sieve. Now drink this water every morning on an empty stomach. This will help a lot in controlling the sugar level.