Diabetes Warning Sign: When the blood sugar level of diabetic patients increases, then all kinds of problems start increasing in the body, whose signs need to be recognized.

Diabetes Symptoms in Finger Nails: The life of diabetic patients is not easy, they often have to keep an eye on their health, especially to make sure that their blood sugar level has not increased. Many gestures from the body point toward bad health, which is very important to recognize at the right time, otherwise there is a risk of many other diseases. It is believed that the signs of diabetes are found in our nails. Is the increase in glucose level in diabetes related to the nails of our hands? Let us explain this in detail.

Do diabetic nails turn yellow?

When the nails of the hands start turning yellow, then many people get scared that their blood sugar level has not increased. Most health experts believe that yellow nails have no direct relationship with diabetes and such results have not been revealed in research. Yellowing of the nails can be a sign of some other problem in the body, which includes bad cholesterol, or jaundice.

Nails can be yellow due to kidney disease

Generally, it has been seen that due to diabetes patients also get kidney disease, after which anemia disease is normal. Due to lack of blood, the color of the nails changes to light yellow. Although this is very rare, that too when the blood sugar level is very high.

Why is anemia in diabetes?

Anemia means a lack of blood in the body, there can be many reasons behind this happening during diabetes, but the main reason for this is increased blood sugar level, swelling in blood vessels, or blood clotting. In such a situation, changes start coming in the veins of the kidney. If the kidney is correct, then the production of red blood cells remains correct and a hormone called erythropoietin is released which is beneficial for the bone marrow. On the other hand, in kidney disease, this process gets obstructed and our kidneys are not able to filter the blood properly.

Why do nails turn yellow?

The natural color of the nail is pink, but when there are some problems in the body, then its color can turn yellow. This usually happens when vitamins and minerals are deficient in the body. At the same time, it can also be a sign of psoriasis, thyroid, and high cholesterol.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Before adopting it, take medical advice. Kalamtimes does not confirm this.)