The number of diabetes patients is increasing rapidly in India. That is why India is also being called the 'Diabetes Capital' of the world. Health experts say that more than 90 percent of the total patients of diabetes are Type 2 Diabetes patients. Age plays a big role in type 2 diabetes. As you get older, your chances of developing type 2 diabetes also increase.

Type 2 Diabetes Causes
There are many reasons for Type 2 Diabetes. The biggest reason is obesity i.e. excess weight. Apart from this, type 2 diabetes can also occur due to high blood pressure, uncontrolled eating, distance from physical activity and genetic reasons. Insulin deficiency or insulin resistance in the body is also a major reason. Doctors tell that there are many such patients who have been suffering from type 2 diabetes (Blood Sugar Risk) for years, but they are not able to know about it. Especially if someone has problems related to blood pressure or heart, then he should closely monitor the symptoms of diabetes.

If you see these 5 symptoms, be alert immediately (Type 2 Diabetes Symptoms)
If you are feeling hungry and thirsty again and again, you have to pass urine more often than you need to, suddenly there is darkness in front of your eyes, your hands and feet become numb and you feel tired, wounds take a long time to heal. So these can be symptoms of type 2 diabetes.

At what age is the risk of diabetes high? (At What Age Diabetes Occur)
According to a report published on, the risk of type 2 diabetes increases after the age of 45 years. 14% of the US population between the ages of 45 and 64 were found to be suffering from type 2 diabetes. This number is about 5 times more than those in the age group of 18 to 44 years. The risk of diabetes increases with age. 25 percent of the US population who are 65 years of age or older have been found to be suffering from type 2 diabetes.

Type 2 Diabetes can happen from the age of 4
Dr. Jayant Panda, Professor, Department of Medicine, SCB Medical College, Cuttack (Odisha), explains in one of his videos that type 1 diabetes can start from childhood itself. While type 2 diabetes can start from the age of 4 years. He says that most of the children who come to us with diabetes are overweight and lead an uncontrolled lifestyle. This affects insulin resistance in the body and leads to diabetes.

Child Diabetes Symptoms
Dr. Panda says that if your child has a problem of obesity or excessive weight in proportion to age and height, frequent hunger, a sudden change in behavior, feeling tired, then immediately check for diabetes. be examined. If a child gets diabetes at an early age, then the risk of getting other diseases also increases.

What else is at risk with diabetes?
If type 2 diabetes develops before the age of 40, the insulin-producing cells in the body, also known as beta cells, can be damaged. Apart from this, the risk of other diseases increases, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, other heart related diseases. Along with this, kidney and liver are also affected.