Every year in the month of September-October, the cases of dengue have been reported increasing rapidly across the country. This time doctors are alerted about its danger. Dengue cases are being reported from Uttarakhand, Jammu, Himachal, and many other states including the capital Delhi.

According to the latest reports, more than 600 dengue patients have been identified in Uttarakhand so far, out of which 418 cases are from Dehradun alone. In the capital Delhi, an increase in cases of infection has been recorded for the last two weeks. Health experts say everyone should make efforts to prevent dengue, a disease that can also lead to serious health complications.

Doctors say the symptoms of dengue fever can generally range from mild to moderate in young children. However, in some situations, there is a danger of taking its serious form. Children, like young adults, are unable to take preventive measures against the disease, so parents should make constant efforts to keep children safe from dengue.

Some cases of dengue can be serious
Health experts say that some dengue conditions in children, such as not noticing symptoms on time or lack of care, can also increase the risk of pneumonia, cardiomyopathy, liver problems, and admission to ICU. Keeping such risks in mind, it is very important to make children aware of preventive measures. Schools should also keep trying to prevent dengue because most of the children's daytime is spent in school.

Let us know what doctors recommend to protect children from dengue.
Try to increase immunity

Children/people who have a weakened immune system are at a higher risk of developing severe symptoms from dengue cases. To increase the immunity of the body, it is very important to keep the diet right. Include immunity-boosting foods in the diet of children. Dairy products, turmeric, ginger, garlic, citrus fruits, and nuts boost the body's immune system and also give internal strength to the body.

Children wear sleeve clothes
To prevent dengue, it is necessary to cover the body completely. Dengue mosquitoes bite more during the daytime, in such a situation, children should wear full-sleeved clothes to avoid them. Apart from this, measures should also be taken to keep the school clean and prevent mosquito bites. Mosquito killers should be sprayed.

Do not ignore the symptoms of dengue
There is a risk of dengue infection becoming a serious condition only if its symptoms are not recognized on time and the disease is not treated. Therefore, it is necessary that if children are suffering from high fever for more than three days along with body pain, skin rash, stomach problems, and vomiting, then it should be treated by a doctor in time. By identifying the symptoms on time, the disease can be saved from reaching a serious condition.

(PC: Freepik)