Cybercrime has increased a lot in the country during the last five years. Everyone is worried about the increasing cases of cybercrime. Cybercriminals are coming up with new tricks to cheat people. The increasing reach of the Internet and the increased use of smartphones is becoming a threat to people. Yes, now cybercriminals have come up with a new way to trap people in their nets. Now people are being cheated through keyloggers.

What is keylogger
For your information, let us tell you that keylogger is a very dangerous software. Cybercriminals are cheating people through this software these days. Keylogger software is so dangerous that if it enters the phone once, then it will not rest until it makes the person bankrupt.

How to identify a keylogger
Keylogger is such a software that once it enters the device, it is very difficult to identify or find it because this software goes into the system file of the device. In such a situation, if you tamper with the system file of the device, then the phone or device may get damaged. Very few people know about keylogger technology, so cyber criminals are easily using it to commit fraud.

Cyber ​​fraud through keylogger
Cybercriminals are emptying people's bank accounts through keylogger software. Keylogger software keeps a close eye on every movement happening on the phone. This means that what a person is typing on the phone's keyboard can be easily found out by cyber criminals through this software. While entering any password in the smartphone, this software records it and gives its information to the hacker or criminal. In this way, this software also easily knows sensitive information like banking details.

How to protect yourself from keylogger
If keylogger software has come in the phone or device, then some signs can be found in the phone. Like suddenly the phone's battery runs out or the battery runs out quickly. Along with this, the phone's camera suddenly turns on by itself. If you see any kind of camera sign or any red light in the notification on the phone, then you need to be careful. If you feel that keylogger software has come into the phone, then the last option is to factory reset the phone. After factory resetting the device, there is a possibility that in most cases the keylogger software gets removed.

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