Dust often accumulates on the curtains of the house. It is very important to clean it. In such a situation, many people like to wash the curtains after a long time, while many people clean the curtains once a month. In such a situation, do you know how to clean the curtains properly? Most people do not clean the curtains properly, and in such a situation, their expensive curtains get spoiled within a few months.
Vacuum cleaner
Many times we buy curtains made of thin fabric. If your curtain is also made of thin cloth, do not forget to clean it with a vacuum cleaner. Doing so will damage your curtains. You should use a vacuum cleaner only for heavy curtains.
Using the wrong detergent
Do not use cheap detergent on curtains even by mistake. By doing this, the shine of your curtains will disappear. Whether the curtain is cheap or expensive, you should clean it with good detergent only. By doing this your curtain will last longer and look new.
Don't wear perfume
Many people sprinkle perfume on the curtains to not clean them. Do you do this too? If your answer is yes, then change this habit because perfume can spoil the colour of your curtains. In this case, do not use perfume or chemical room freshener for curtains.
What to pay special attention to
- don't rub the curtain too much
- wash curtains the right way
- Do not wash curtains with hot water
- Wash curtains separately from other clothes
- Clean the curtains once a month
Photo Credit: Freepik