Often, due to lack of proper nutrition and external pollution, hair gets damaged and loses its shine. For this, you will easily find many brands of products in the market, but all these products contain many types of chemicals which can harm the hair.

You can use curry leaves present at home to take care of hair. So let us know how to use curry leaves for hair and what its benefits for hair are.

What things should be used to make hair shiny?

  • Fenugreek seeds
  • Mustard oil
  • Curry leaf

Benefits of applying fenugreek seeds to hair

  • Fenugreek seeds help in hair growth.
  • It also works to give volume to thin hair.
  • Apart from this, fenugreek seeds are also very beneficial in hair growth.

What happens by applying mustard oil on hair?

  • Mustard oil is very useful in making hair thick and nourishing it.
  • The elements present in it work to keep the hair healthy.

Benefits of applying curry leaves to hair

  • Curry leaves help in growing new hair.
  • Apart from bringing shine to your hair, it also helps in making them thick.
  • Apart from this, it works to create a protection layer in the hair.

What to do to make hair shiny?

  • To make hair shiny, first, boil fenugreek seeds and pour them into a bowl.
  • Add some curry leaves to it and grind both of them well.
  • Now put it on the pan and add 2 to 3 spoons of mustard oil in it.
  • After mixing all these, cook them lightly.
  • After this oil cools down, apply it from scalp to length.
  • Leave it on the hair for about 2 hours.
  • After this, wash the hair with the help of shampoo and conditioner and dry it.
  • You can use this remedy up to twice a week.
  • By continuously applying this remedy to your hair, you will start seeing the effect within a few days.

Note: Before using any home remedy, do a patch test and if you wish, take advice from an expert first.