COVID-19 and Erectile Dysfunction: The cases of corona are increasing day by day. Every day doctors and scientists are seen making a new disclosure about it. Meanwhile, Hong Kong neurologist Dr. Trevor Lee Church Fai has made a new disclosure. The doctor says that a special kind of problem is being seen in the man who has recently recovered from Kovid. The doctor told that the testicles of a man who has recovered from Kovid have started shrinking and he is in the grip of erectile dysfunction. Not only this, Dr. Lee says that such a problem is being seen in another patient. In such a situation, it has become a matter of concern for men. Let's know about erectile dysfunction-

What is Erectile Dysfunction?
Erectile dysfunction is a problem in which the desire to have sex in a man starts to end. When a man is aroused by sexual activity, he feels an erection. Due to this, blood circulation starts faster in the private parts of the brain. But when a man suffers from erectile dysfunction, which is not erectile in him.

Symptoms of erectile dysfunction
There is no activity in sex.
Loss of desire for sex
Feeling stressed
to feel worried
erectile dysfunction treatment

The treatment of erectile dysfunction depends on what caused the problem. If a man is facing this kind of problem due to Kovid, then he needs to consult a doctor immediately.

Along with this, with the help of some sexual therapy and behavior therapy, an attempt can be made to overcome this problem. At the same time, Ayurveda also has a treatment for this problem. Also, keep in mind that while recovering from Kovid, do not smoke and consume alcohol. It can destroy your sexual ability.