As soon as they get married, questions start being asked the couples about family planning. When will the child be born, when will you plan a baby, what is the thought of becoming a parent, such questions are often heard by couples. You can call it a rule made by the world that first marriage and then having children make your family. But have you ever wondered why we produce children and then spend our whole life in their upbringing?

There are some advantages and disadvantages of having a child such as having a child brings happiness but also comes anxiety, not sleeping through the night, not getting time for oneself, and financial responsibilities. If you are also thinking about why people give birth to children, then definitely read this article completely. Here we are telling you about some of the advantages and reasons of having children.

carry forward the legacy
This issue is the most debated about wanting children. There is a saying in India that who will take your name after you are gone, so do it, baby. With this, your family and your name remain with you even after your death.
some diseases are not

It is said that becoming a parent saves you from some diseases. For example, the risk of getting ovarian cancer is low for up to nine months after being pregnant. Being pregnant before the age of 30 reduces the risk of breast cancer. At the same time, breast-feeding can reduce the risk of breast and ovarian cancer.

makes a family
When the child's cries, laughter and sweet words resonate in the house, then that house becomes a home and a family. Any house is incomplete without family, so it is necessary to create a family.

make your dreams come true
Often parents dream that whatever they could not do in their life, they would definitely get their child done. For example, if someone wanted to become a pilot but could not become one due to some reason, then he dreams of becoming a pilot for his child. In this way parents live their life once again with their child.

marriage survives
It is often said that if the marriage relationship is breaking or weakening, then have a child. With the arrival of the baby, the husband and wife come closer to each other again and the relationship of marriage is saved.

no fertility problem
Fertility problem has increased more in couples these days. Because of this, not everyone is able to have children or they face difficulties. In such a situation, the couples who are healthy, they are told that you can, so do children.