Onion Rings For Evening Snacks: The mind and body get tired while working in the office all day long. At the same time, in the evening, people start feeling very hungry. When rats are jumping in the stomach, then it is not understood what to eat. People are often confused about what to make at home for evening snacks. On the other hand, in the rainy season, in the evening, the heart feels like eating something spicy. In this situation, pakodas are made in most of the houses.

But, today we will tell you a different dish for evening breakfast. You can make it easily at home and it gets ready in just a few minutes. So if you want to eat something crispy in the evening, then learn to make fried onion rings. By eating this your stomach will also be filled. Let's learn the recipe of Onion Rings...

Ingredients for making onion rings in snacks -

1 cup all-purpose flour, 3 teaspoons corn flour, half teaspoon baking soda, garlic powder - 1 teaspoon, black pepper powder - 1 teaspoon, 1 egg white, 5 to 6 large onions, bread crumbs -1 cup, oil, salt

Method of making onion rings-

1. You need onions to make onion rings. Peel 5 or 6 large onions and wash them. Then cut it into a round shape. Then separate all its layers.

2. After this, mix all-purpose flour, corn flour, salt, black pepper powder, garlic powder, and baking powder in a big bowl. Then prepare a thick solution by adding water to it.

3. Now spread the bread crumbs on a big plate. Then crack an egg in a bowl, take out the white part of it, and separate it. Then mix salt in it.

4. Now put a pan on the gas and add oil, then first put the onion rings in the egg white and then dip them in the flour solution. Then put bread crumbs on it and fry it in oil.

5. Now fry all the onion rings in oil till they turn golden brown.

6. Fry all the onion rings in the same way. Then take it out on a plate and eat it with hot chutney or sauce.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)

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