With the changing weather, the outbreak of chikungunya fever has increased once again. Due to this fever, there is a lot of pain in the joints of the body. This pain persists for a long time even after the disease is cured. In such cases, joint pain needs special care because there is no treatment for it except painkillers. Let us tell you today through this article how you can get rid of joint pain during chikungunya fever. let us know...

Pain in hands and feet
In the case of chikungunya, the most pain and swelling occur in the joints of the hands and feet. Apart from fingers, there is a pain in the wrist and elbow also. This pain in the body also bothers a lot. It is believed that if children contract Chikungunya, they suffer from joint pain and stomach-related diseases.

The pain lasts for one to two weeks
Joint pain in chikungunya usually lasts for one to two weeks, but in many cases, the problem lasts for months or years. Many times people mistake the pain caused by chikungunya as arthritis, in such a situation treatment is necessary.

How to get relief from pain?
Even after Chikungunya fever ends, joint pain persists due to which the patient remains troubled for several days. In such a situation, you can get relief from pain through some home remedies.

Consuming grapes with cow's milk will also help in reducing the symptoms of chikungunya. However, while consuming grapes, keep in mind that the grapes are seedless and dry.

If joint pain persists for several days, gradually increase exercise. It is not very difficult, you can do exercises like stretching and slow movements. Joint pain can be cured soon with regular exercise. Apart from this, massage the joints with coconut oil and drink coconut water. This will also reduce pain.

Garlic paste
If you are suffering from pain caused by chikungunya, then apply clove or garlic paste mixed with chili on the painful area. You will see the difference in a few days
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