Chaitra Navratri 2023: Many times it is seen that fasting for the whole nine days leads to weakness. In such a situation, today we will tell you about some such food items, which you can include in your food during the fast. So, without delay, let us tell you which things you can include in your food during the fast. So that you do not feel any weakness during the fast.

Make and eat fresh fruit salad
If you like to take a healthy diet, then you can eat fruit salad during the fast. You can add rock salt, lemon juice, and black pepper to enhance the taste. It will also not allow a lack of water in your body.

Can make fruit raita
Fruit raita will not only cure the taste in your mouth but also it will keep energy in your body for a long time. You can also add dry fruits along with fruits in curd.

Roast dry fruits
You can eat dry fruits after roasting them for good health. With this, the deficiency of protein and vitamins in your body will also be fulfilled.

Make Makhane Kheer easily
There are many types of nutrients in Makhana, due to which energy remains in your body. You can make Makhana kheer and eat it during fasting.

Sago is the best
Many types of items are made with the help of sago during fasting. Sago khichdi, sago kheer, or its vada can also be made.