In today's time, you need some or the other document for almost every work. Whether you go to the bank, go to the post office, go to the RTO office, or any other place. An Aadhaar card is a necessity today, but many of your workers may get stuck in the absence of a PAN card or even if it is not active. Most of the people do not even know about the deactivation of the PAN card. But under this, those people who have not linked their PAN card with an Aadhaar card or will not get it done, then the PAN cards of such people can be deactivated. In such a situation, many of your works can get stuck. Therefore, if you wish, you can also check whether your PAN card is inactive or not. So let's know what is its method...

Check like this, PAN card is active or not:-
Step 1

If you also want to know whether your PAN card is not active, then you can check this
For this, you have to go to the official website of the Income Tax Department

Step 2
After visiting the website you will get many options here
But you have to see the option 'Know your PAN' on the left side.
If you find it, click on it

Step 3
After this, you have to enter your last name, gender, date of birth, and mobile number.
Then an OTP will come on the mobile number you entered
You have to enter the received OTP here and then click on submit

Step 4
Then you will see your name, pan number, ward number, and remark on the screen
In this remark, it is asked whether this PAN card is active or not.
If your PAN card is not active, then you can contact the PAN card office.

(PC: iStock)