Lung cancer is a major emerging threat in people of all ages. Its initial symptoms may include problems like difficulty in breathing, chest pain, bleeding from the mucus, and weight loss without any effort. But does lung cancer have any connection with blindness? A surprising case that came to light recently has raised such questions.

In an extremely rare case, a 32-year-old woman suddenly lost vision in one eye, according to a report published in The Elsevier Journal Radiology Case. When doctors examined him to find out the cause of the disease, he was diagnosed with lung cancer.

This woman living in India had lost the vision in her right eye and for about 20 days she was experiencing occasional flashes of light in her left eye also. Doctors diagnosed him with cancer during examination. Medical reports reveal that the victim never smoked and was completely healthy before she lost her eyesight.

Lung cancer can spread to the eyes also
During the examination, doctors noticed that a large, white-yellow mass was growing behind the woman's right eye. To know about its causes, the patient's blood was examined and an X-ray was done. Eventually, a chest X-ray and scan revealed that a mass of cancerous tissue was growing in the lower part of the woman's right lung. The tumor had also spread to several other organs, including the choroid of the eye.

Health experts say, although it is very rare for lung cancer to spread to the eyes, however, in 0.1% to 7% of the cases, its symptoms can be seen in the eyes also.

Eye-related problems in lung cancer
Health experts say it is quite rare for visual impairment or any other type of eye-related problems to occur as a sign of lung cancer. So far, only about 60 such cases have been reported in the medical literature. The case of the woman mentioned in this case is even more unusual because she was not a smoker. It is noteworthy that smoking is considered to be the main reason for most of the cases of lung cancer.

Doctors say that there can be many other unexpected symptoms similar to lung cancer, about which people need to know and seek medical advice in time.

There may be pain in the bones
Medical reports show that in some cases of lung cancer, apart from breathing problems, patients may also suffer from bone pain and many other bone-related problems. When cancer cells spread to the bone, it can cause pain in the spine/back, pelvic area, or large bones of the arms and legs. This pain increases while walking, at night, or while lying on the back.

There may be a problem with the balance
Some patients with lung cancer have also been shown to have an increased risk of balance disorders. Tumors located near the superior vena cava (the large vein that carries blood from your head and arms back to the heart) can obstruct blood flow, which can often cause dizziness or loss of balance in cancer patients. These types of symptoms are seen more in lung cancer patients.