World Cancer Day: Today, February 4, World Cancer Day is being celebrated. Every year this day is celebrated as World Cancer Day to make people around the world aware of cancer. Talking about cancer, the bacteria living in our food can affect your risk. While some bacteria help your body fight cancer, others help tumours grow and develop. In this article, we will tell you about the foods that increase the risk of cancer.

How does the risk of cancer increase
How cooperation and conflict occur inside the human body, including looking at how cancer may have evolved to exploit the body. Research has also revealed how our food and bacteria affect the way our body's cells communicate with each other and increase or decrease your cancer risk.

Processed and ultra-processed food are dangerous
According to health experts, eating normal ultra-processed food can increase the risk of cancer. This has been revealed in a study conducted by Cancer Research United Kingdom and the World Cancer Research Fund. It has been claimed that continuous consumption of ultra-processed food such as hot dogs, chips, soda and ice cream etc. leads to serious consequences of obesity and high cholesterol as well as increases the risk of cancer.

Increased risk of this cancer
Eating more ultra-processed food increases the risk of ovarian cancer. People who ate more junk foods had a 30 per cent higher risk of ovarian cancer. According to researchers, eating processed food can increase the risk of any cancer by 2 percent and the risk of ovarian cancer by 19 percent. Processed foods include things like french fries, soda, store-bought cookies, cakes, candy, doughnuts, ice cream, sauces, and pizza.