Breast Cancer Awareness Month is celebrated in October to make women aware of breast cancer. Breast cancer is quite common in women. To avoid this, correct information about it and breast self-examination is very important. Women can easily do self-examination at home. With this, the presence of a lump in the breast can be detected at the right time. Symptoms of breast cancer are different from each other in women. Its common symptoms include breast pain, change in the shape of the breast, and any lump in or under the breast or armpit. Know from experts how women can do Breast self-examination at home. This information is being given by Dr. Kiruba Devi, Head of Categories and Sourcing at Zivame.

How to do Breast self-examination at home?

  • First of all, take off your clothes and stand in front of the mirror.
  • First, keep your hands on the sides and look at the breasts.
  • Then place your hands above your head or on your hips and look at the upward breasts from different angles.
  • Try to check if there is any change in the colour or shape of the breast.
  • If you notice any kind of swelling or lump on the skin, pay attention to it.
  • Especially if you notice any changes around the nipples, note them.
  • Now feel your breast and try to understand whether you feel any lump.
  • Cover your breasts with your hands and apply gentle pressure on them.
  • If you feel pain in your breast at any point, pay attention to it.
  • If there is any discharge when you press around the nipple, do not ignore it.
  • If the skin of the breast seems hard at any place, then pay attention to that also.

What to do if you feel a lump in the breast?

If you feel any lump in the breast while doing breast self-examination, then immediately go to the doctor. Don't be afraid of this at all. 8 out of 10 lumps are not cancerous and can be easily treated. Every woman should do breast self-examination once every month.

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