A relationship breakup is a deep and sad experience, in which the relationship between two people ends. This situation can usually occur due to various reasons, such as betrayal, lack of trust, conflict, lack of thoughtfulness, or imbalance. The result is separation between the two parties, which is painful for both. A relationship breakup can have mental, emotional, and social effects on both individuals, and coping with it can be profound. During these times, it helps to have the right support, health-seeking arrangements, and gradually accepting your emotions over time. Accept your feelings: Accept your feelings and express them openly.

Seek support: Seek support and talk to your friends, family and loved ones.

Take care of yourself: Take care of your physical and mental health. Do regular exercise, eat right and meditate from time to time.

Get involved in new activities: Getting involved in new activities and hobbies is good to spend time.

Work on Health: Increase your understanding of your health, self-confidence and relationships.

Professional help: If you need help dealing with your emotions, seek help from a mental health professional.

Give time: Give yourself time and slowly accept your pain.

Don't be in control: Look at your future from a new perspective and don't let your pain define you.

Keep in mind, every person's situation may be different, so it is important that you accept your experiences and get the right support for them.

Tips to save relationship from breaking
Giving trust and time in communication: It is very important to give trust and time in communication. Problems should be shared in time and efforts should be made to solve them.

Compromising: It is very important to compromise and try to understand the other's point of view.

Taking care of your partner's needs: You should take care of your partner's needs and wishes and respect them.

Right therapy at the right time: It is important to take the right therapy at the right time to solve any problem in the relationship.

Self-review: Self-review your behavior and make any changes needed in your behavior.

Spend time together: It is very important to spend time together and share with each other.

Understand the circumstances: Understand the circumstances that arise in relationships and show courage to face them.

Seek help: If you are not able to strengthen your relationship on your own, consider seeking professional help.

All these actions can help you keep your relationship stable.

(PC: Freepik)