Stroke is one of the fastest-growing killer risks worldwide. Health experts are concerned about the rising risk, especially among the young population. A stroke occurs when blood flow to the brain is interrupted. It is through the blood that the brain cells get oxygen and nutrients. If there is any obstruction in this, then the risk of dying of the cells which do not get enough oxygen increases. About 10 to 15 percent of all types of stroke occur in people between the ages of 18 and 50, health experts say.

The researchers found that people who have had a stroke before can have a 25 percent higher risk of another stroke. Many other risks can lead to stroke, so it is very important to adopt preventive measures from an early age. Let us know about its risk factors.

Complications due to stroke
The risk of permanent disability due to stroke also depends on how long there is a lack of blood flow to the brain and which part is affected, explains Johns Hopkins experts. This can lead to paralysis of a part of the body or loss of muscle control. Many people who have had a stroke may also experience loss of memory. There may be difficulty in thinking, reasoning, making decisions, and understanding things.

The biggest risk of these can put you at risk of having a stroke again. Let us know what are the most important things to keep in mind to avoid its risks.

Keep both blood pressure-sugar levels under control
The highest risk of stroke is seen in those people whose blood pressure is often elevated. Controlling high blood pressure is one of the most important things that can help reduce your risk of stroke. For this, it is most important to change unhealthy lifestyles and take medicines regularly.

Like blood pressure, it is also necessary to control sugar, due to its increase, problems related to blood pressure also start.

Reduce the amount of cholesterol and saturated fat in the diet
To prevent the risk of stroke, your blood pressure-sugar level must be under control, and for this, you must consume healthy and nutritious things. Eating low-cholesterol and low-fat foods can reduce congestion in the arteries. Eating healthy also makes it easier to maintain a healthy weight and helps protect you from stroke risk factors.

Regular exercise is necessary
Aerobic exercise has been found to reduce the risk of stroke. Exercise lowers blood pressure, increases levels of good cholesterol, and can improve the overall health of blood vessels and the heart. It helps you to lose weight, control diabetes, and also control stress levels.

Engage in moderate physical activity such as walking, jogging, swimming, or bicycling for at least 30 minutes a day. This will be very beneficial for your health.

(PC: Freepik)