Donating blood is a great donation… Understanding the importance of this, many people want to donate blood voluntarily, but many times misconceptions or wrong information related to it become a hindrance. This is the reason why awareness programs regarding blood donation are organized from time to time. Let us tell you that in this direction, to make people more aware of blood donation, the entire month of January is celebrated as 'Blood Donor Month'.

This time too, the month of January (January 2024) is being celebrated as 'Blood Donor Month' in the medical world, under which various types of programs are being organized. Through this article, we are also trying to provide correct information related to blood donation to our readers. Women have many questions related to blood donation such as whether one should donate blood during pregnancy, periods and breastfeeding or not. In this article, we have brought answers to all these questions.

We talked to the famous gynaecologist of Uttar Pradesh, Dr Rita Das about this and here we are sharing the information (Facts about blood donation) received from her with you. Dr. Rita Das says that through blood donation, you can help others get rid of serious health problems and can also save someone's life if needed. In such a situation, everyone, whether male or female, must donate blood. Yes, in the case of women, it is important to take care of their health condition.

Is it safe to donate blood during periods?

Now let's talk about whether it is right to donate blood during periods. So in response to this, Dr. Rita says that periods do not affect your ability to donate blood in any way. But you have to keep in mind that you are not bleeding heavily because to donate blood it is necessary to have at least 12 grams of haemoglobin in the body. At the same time, in case of heavy bleeding, you may have to face haemoglobin or iron deficiency due to donating blood. Therefore, it would be better to avoid donating blood during difficult periods.

When should one donate blood after delivery?

Another big question related to women donating blood is that how many days after delivery should blood be donated? So this time when we asked our expert, Dr. Rita, she said that a woman should avoid donating blood till 9 months after delivery. Along with this, you will also have to keep in mind whether you have had a blood transfusion during delivery, if it has happened then you should not donate blood in such a situation.

How appropriate is it to donate blood while breastfeeding?

This question often arises how appropriate is it to donate blood during breastfeeding? According to our experts, there is a need to be extra cautious while donating blood during breastfeeding. Lactating women spend about 500 calories every day. In such a situation, if you are feeling physically weak then you should avoid donating blood because donating blood also consumes a lot of energy. Therefore, you must consult your doctor before donating blood, and women facing problems like anaemia during breastfeeding should also avoid donating blood.

Even in normal circumstances, women should keep in mind the amount of blood in their bodies while donating blood. Because the biggest obstacle for women in donating blood is lack of blood. Therefore, before donating blood, they should take a nutritious diet to improve the iron level in the body. Let us tell you that in improving the iron level in the body, the consumption of spinach, chicken, fish, and eggs as well as the consumption of fruits rich in Vitamin C like oranges, grapes, and cherries are beneficial.