image credit: timesofindia

Blind pimples extend deep into the skin. Blind pimples cause pain and swelling. Getting rid of them is a bit difficult. They are under the skin. Blind spots on the skin are not clearly visible. But if you look closely, they can be seen. Its specialty is that it disappears without leaving any mark on the skin. Let us know what measures can be taken to protect yourself from blind pimples-

image credit: epiphanydermatology

Your hands touch many things throughout the day, which carry lots of bacteria. When you touch your face with dirty hands, these bacteria easily enter the skin and then cause blind pimples or regular pimples. Remember to wash your hands before touching your face.

image credit: today

Squeezing or popping blind pimples can cause swelling and severe pain. Whether it is blind pimples or regular pimples, you should avoid popping and popping pimples. Using a clean cloth dipped in warm water and wiping the pimples will help.