Everyone takes great care of their face to look beautiful. But you do not pay attention to the care of many parts of the body. Your arms are one of them. That's why your arms start to look black, due to which affects your personality. In such a situation, today we have brought sugar scrub for you. Dark arms scrub is prepared with the help of sugar and lemon. Lemon contains bleaching agents which improve your skin tone. On the other hand, sugar helps in removing dead skin. Along with this, it also helps in removing tanning, which improves the complexion of your arms, so let's know how to make sugar scrub (How To Make Sugar Scrub).....

Ingredients required to make sugar scrub
Slice or juice 2 lemons
Sugar 1 tbsp

How to make sugar scrub? (How To Make Sugar Scrub)
First way

For this, apply sugar to a lemon slice.
Then you scrub it by applying it on your hands for about 7-10 minutes.
After this, wash your hands with lukewarm water and clean them.
Then do not forget to apply moisturizing cream to your hands.
For best results, you can use it 3-4 times a week.

Another way
For this, put sugar and lemon juice in a bowl.
Then you prepare the scrub by mixing it.
After this, apply it to your hands and scrub it for about 7-10 minutes.
Then wash your hands with lukewarm water and clean them.
After this, you must apply moisturizing cream to your hands.
For best results, you can use it 3-4 times a week.