Best Food For Diabetes: The biggest tension of diabetic patients is what they should eat so that their sugar does not increase. Here we are going to tell about 5 such recruitments which work to reduce sugar.
In diabetics, it is advisable to eat things with high roughage and low glycemic index. Low glycemic means such things that do not convert into glucose immediately after eating, but they take time to break down in the stomach and keep blood sugar balanced. So let us tell you today about five such sweets, which will reduce your sugar even after eating in abundance.raw banana peel
Raw banana is supposed to control blood sugar. The sugar in raw banana is very less and when it is boiled it reduces further. The glycemic index (GI) of a raw banana is less than 55. It also improves digestion power. Peel and mash the bananas, add some chaat masala, salt and mustard oil.parwal sharpener
Parwal is also one of the low glycemic vegetables. Its sharpness is rough and low calorie. Therefore, even eating it in diabetes does not increase blood sugar.
Drumstick Sharp
There are many benefits of drumstick in diabetes. Reduces sugar from its leaves to pods. Boil drumstick pods, mash them. Then put mustard seeds in it. Add finely chopped onion, tomato and chilli on top. This chokha lowers the sugar level and increases metabolism.
bitter gourd bitter
Bitter gourd is a superfood for diabetics. By eating it, blood sugar is reduced rapidly. If you find it bitter more then you can eat it after making it spicy. You must also eat the seeds of this bitter gourd, which is rich in roughage. This causes the blood sugar to drop rapidly. Boil bitter gourd and mix mustard oil, salt, onion, coriander leaves, ginger, garlic and green chili in it. This will be very beneficial for health.
gooseberry peel
Amla is very beneficial in diabetes. It contains chromium which works to digest carbs as well as correct carbohydrate metabolism. Being rich in vitamin C, it also prevents blood sugar from rising. The antioxidants present in it improve insulin production and control blood sugar. Boil gooseberry and mix oil, salt and green chili in it. Delicious Chokha will be ready which will not allow your sugar to rise.
So, if you want, to control sugar, make a smoothie with any low glycemic index vegetable and eat it.
Disclaimer- The tips and advices suggested in the article are for general information only and must be consulted by a professional medical practitioner before trying it. Be sure to consult your doctor before starting any kind of fitness program, exercising, or making dietary changes.