Benefits Of Padmasana: Taking excessive stress not only affects mental but also physical health. According to health experts, due to stress, there a problems with high blood pressure and insomnia. In English, it is called Insomnia. In this condition, the person does not sleep at night. For this, make a comprehensive change in food and lifestyle. Do not consume tea and coffee at bedtime. At the same time, do not do mobile surfing till late at night. Apart from this, to overcome the problem of insomnia, do yoga and exercise daily. There are many postures of yoga. One of them is Padmasana. By doing this yoga, the problem of insomnia goes away. Come, let's know everything about it-

Padmasana is made up of two words Padma meaning lotus and asana meaning sitting posture. In simple words, meditating while sitting in the lotus posture is called Padmasana. By doing this yoga, there is a lot of relief from mental stress. Along with doing Padmasan, the mind remains calm. Energy circulates in the body. Apart from this, the problems faced by women during pregnancy and menstruation are removed.

How to do padmasana
For this, first lay a yoga mat on flat ground. Then sit on the floor in Pranayama posture. During this, keep in mind that the spine, head and neck remain in a straight line. Be relaxed. Breathe slowly. Now keep both your hands on the knees and focus on the front part of the nose. Close your eyes after a few moments. Now breathe normally and release. Do this yoga daily. This removes mental stress and keeps the mind calm. By reducing stress, the problem of insomnia goes away.