Fennel has been consumed after meals in India for centuries. Even in the present times, people give fennel seeds to the guests who come home after the meal. Fennel seeds and sugar candy are also given in hotels and restaurants. It is believed that eating fennel after meals helps in proper digestion. Essential nutrients are found in fennel, which proves helpful in digesting food. Medical science has also proved that eating fennel helps in digestion. Also, it gets rid of the bad smell in the mouth. Apart from this, fennel is also a medicine for many major diseases. According to health experts, the consumption of fennel helps in controlling sugar. Many researchers have claimed that consuming fennel regularly keeps sugar under control. The properties of phytochemicals are found in fennel seeds, which are beneficial for health. Come, let us know about other benefits of fennel-

Cholesterol remains under control

Fiber is found in abundance in fennel. Eating fiber-rich foods helps in controlling cholesterol. Health experts also say that consuming fiber-rich foods can keep weight and cholesterol under control. Fiber does not allow cholesterol to dissolve in the blood. This also keeps the heart healthy.

Beneficial for the brain

Fennel is also beneficial for the brain. The vitamins present in it reduce oxidative stress. If you are not mentally healthy, then you can consume fennel. Its consumption has a favorable effect on brain health.

High blood pressure remains under control

Apart from other essential nutrients, potassium is also found in fennel. Potassium plays an important role in balancing sodium present in the body. For this, the consumption of fennel can prove beneficial for high BP patients. If you are a patient with high BP and want to keep blood pressure under control, then consume fennel daily.