Cardamom is a very important spice in our kitchen. It is used to enhance the taste of food, but do you know that the small-looking cardamom is not limited only to taste, it also benefits your health? Often people chew cardamom after eating food. Let us know what the benefits of consuming cardamom are after meals.

Benefits of chewing cardamom after meals

  • Consuming cardamom after meals improves digestion. Especially those who are troubled by acidity and gas problems should consume cardamom after food. It contains fiber which strengthens our digestive system. It contains some nutrients which provide relief from any problem related to digestion.
  • Chewing cardamom after eating food helps in removing bad breath. Many times we eat something which causes bad breath. At the same time, cardamom has anti-bacterial properties which prevent bacteria from growing in the mouth, due to which bad smell does not develop.

  • Many times we eat something in food due to which BP starts increasing, in such a situation, if you are already a patient with high BP, then definitely consume it after eating, according to NCBI, the antioxidant properties present in it help in controlling BP. Let's help.
  • If the heat in the stomach increases after eating spicy food then consuming cardamom can be beneficial, it has a cooling effect, which calms down the heat in the stomach.

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