Eyelashes play an important role in enhancing the beauty of the eyes. Thick and long eyelashes enhance the glow of the face. Nowadays women use fake eyelashes in makeup to make their eyes beautiful. But it is not possible to do this every day. Many women use fake eyelashes only because of the thought that they cannot be extended, but it is not so. By taking good care of eyelashes, they can be increased naturally. Today, in this episode, we are going to give you information about some such measures, with the help of which the growth of eyelashes can be done easily and the eyes can be made beautiful. Let us know about these measures…

Green tea
According to data published by Pub Med Central, green tea is a good source of polyphenols. This compound helps in hair growth. At the same time, it keeps your eyelashes thick and long. Consume green tea regularly for proper results. At the same time, before sleeping at night, apply cold green tea on both your upper and lower eyelashes with the help of your fingers.

Lemon peel
Take the peel of a lemon and cut it into small pieces, then put these peels in half a bowl of olive or castor oil and keep it covered for two to three days. After that, with the help of a mascara brush, apply it on the eyelashes every night before going to bed. And wake up in the morning and wash your eyes with cold water.

Castor oil
Castor oil contains fatty acids which help in making the eyelashes longer and thicker. First of all, mix any oil with castor oil. Then apply this oil mixture on the eyelashes with a mascara stick. After applying leave the oil as it is. Apart from castor oil, you can take any other essential oil. Such as olive oil, almond oil, argan oil, coconut oil, and jojoba oil. Try this remedy daily before sleeping at night. In this way, you will see that within a few days, your eyelashes have started getting thicker and longer.

Fenugreek seeds
Fenugreek seeds are also used to prevent hair fall. To thicken the eyebrows, soak some fenugreek seeds in water at night. Make a paste by grinding it in the morning and add a drop of coconut oil to it and mix it. Apply this pack on the eyebrows before sleeping at night and wash it after 10 minutes. You can use this pack 2-3 times a week.

Vitamin E capsule
Vitamin E contains a tocotrienol compound, which can increase the number of hair and relieve the problem of alopecia. Make a hole in the Vitamin-E capsule with a pin. Now take out its oil and apply it on your eyelids with clean fingers. Leave this oil on the eyelids for three to four hours or overnight. Then wash your eyes with clean water in the morning. For better results, you can apply Vitamin-E capsule oil on the eyes daily.

Take the egg yolk ie a little yellow part of the egg, after that add some glycerine to it. Now mix these two until it becomes a creamy mixture. After that apply it on the eyelids with the help of cotton, then close the eyes for fifteen to twenty minutes and lie down. Then clean the eyes properly with the help of water. This method also helps you in beautifying the eyelashes.

Petroleum jelly
Petroleum jelly moisturizes the eyelids. At the same time, its regular use can make your eyelashes long and thick in a limited time. It keeps the skin area around the eyelashes hydrated. For best results, take petroleum jelly on a cotton pad and apply it on the area around the eyelashes and the eyelashes before going to bed at night.

Shea butter
It contains Vitamin A and Vitamin E. It nourishes the follicles of the eyelashes and eyelashes, due to which the hair starts growing. First, take some amount of shea butter on your fingers and then rub it on the fingers of the other hand as well. Now apply the fingers on the eyelids. After applying, leave it like this for the whole night. Apply shea butter daily at night.

Tea tree oil
For this, you will need 2-3 drops of tea tree oil and your usual oil. Mix these two and massage your eyebrows with them. Leave it overnight. Repeat this every night for the best results.

Coconut milk
You can easily get coconut milk from the market, but keep in mind that brings good quality coconut milk. After that soak cotton in coconut milk, and apply it on the eyelids.