Bay leaves are often used to enhance the taste of food. These leaves are full of fragrance which adds both taste and aroma to the food. But do you know that like cumin and carom seeds, you can also start your day with bay leaf water? You can use it in two ways. Here are the two methods and their benefits. Read-

Bay leaf water benefits

1) Great for Heart Health- Bay leaf tea is good for your heart, it contains potassium, antioxidants, and iron. These nutrients help in reducing heart rate as well as blood pressure.

2) Will Boost Immune System – Bay leaf tea is a source of Vitamin C, it is also very good for the immune system and has anti-bacterial properties, which keep infections away.

3) Helps in Weight Loss- Bay leaf tea contains the properties of cinnamon which boosts metabolism and helps in weight loss. Apart from this, they can also reduce your stress level.

4) Helps in the treatment of cancer- Due to its medicinal properties, some people also drink bay leaf tea for cancer treatment. In addition, its anti-inflammatory properties protect your body from inflammation.

5) Helpful in preventing constipation- Bay leaves are also known to improve digestion. It is effective in getting rid of constipation.

How to make bay leaf water
To make it, heat water in a pan and then add a bay leaf to it. Cover it for some time and then cover it. When the water boils, pour it into a glass and drink it while sip-sipping.

Can make bay leaf tea
To make it, take bay leaves, a pinch of cinnamon powder, water, lemon, and honey. Then wash the leaves and boil water in a pot. Then add bay leaves and cinnamon powder and let it boil for 10 minutes. Switch off the flame and strain the tea into a cup. Now, add some honey or lemon juice as per your taste. And then enjoy this drink.