We spend a lot of money to keep our hair healthy and shiny. These treatments damage the hair after a long time. What if you get a parlour like treatment without any harm and for less money? Have you ever used bananas in your hair?

Banana is beneficial for hair to skin. Especially if your hair has become dull due to heat styling products and wrong hair care, then you should apply bananas to your hair. You can use a banana as a hair mask. Let us know how banana benefits hair. Also, how can you make a hair mask with this one fruit?

Make a mask with banana

A hair mask should be applied to the hair. Each mask has different benefits. By applying a mask made of banana to the hair, your dull hair will start to improve.

Ingredients required:-

  • 2 aloe vera leaves
  • 2-3 bananas

Method to make-

  • First of all extract the gel from the aloe vera leaf.
  • Use a spoon or knife for this.
  • Now put the gel and banana in the grinder and grind them.
  • This paste should be thick so that it gets easily applied to the hair.
  • The hair mask for dull hair is ready.

Method to use:-

  • Apply this mask on the scalp and hair roots with the help of a hair colour brush.
  • Leave the hair mask on the hair for at least 1 hour.
  • Wash hair with shampoo containing natural ingredients.

Benefits of this mask

  • Vitamins A, B, C and E are found in aloe vera gel. All these vitamins work to remove dead cells, which leads to the growth of your hair.
  • Bananas contain potassium and silica, which act as superfoods for your hair. Both eating a banana and applying it to hair will be beneficial.
  • If your hair is dull, then applying aloe vera gel to the hair will be beneficial.

Keep these things in mind

  • Due to hard water, the hair starts getting dull. Not only dull but after a while the dryness of the hair increases.
  • Dirt and dust are also a reason for this. That's why you should protect your hair from pollution.
  • Using the wrong hair care products leads to dull hair. That's why it is important to know the texture and type of your hair before buying any product.
  • Excessive heat styling products also damage hair. Their use also makes the hair dull. So use these products sparingly.
  • Protect your hair from the harmful rays of the sun as well. UV rays make hair dull. Along with this, hair starts breaking due to this. So whenever you go out, do not forget to cover your hair with the help of a scarf or a hat.
  • Even if you do not apply oil to your hair, your hair becomes dull. That's why you should not skip hair oiling.

Image Credit: freepik.com