The diet must be changed in summer. These days stale and excessively spicy food should be avoided. At the same time, water should also be drunk in excess. There should not be any shortage of water in the body during the summer season. According to Ayurveda, due to the increase in temperature in summer, there is an excess of pitta dosha in our bodies, which can cause many problems. In this season, some changes in food habits are very important to keep the body heat in balance. Spices with a cooling effect, fruits with high water content and vegetables rich in nutrients should be a part of your diet.

It is very important to have some special things in the kitchen so that the heat of the sun and the weather does not harm our bodies. From vegetables to spices, according to Ayurveda, there are certain things one should always keep in the house for summer. Ayurvedic doctor NitikaKohli has shared information about this from her Instagram account.


Although fruits are beneficial in every season, in summer some healthy fruits must be a part of your diet. According to Ayurveda, the balance of all types of tests should be maintained in the body. Sour, sweet and some astringent fruits should be eaten in summer. Berries, cherries, grapes, plums, pomegranates, cantaloupe, watermelon, peaches, bananas and apples are best for summer. There is no shortage of water in the body, so water-rich fruits must be eaten in summer.


Vegetables having sweetness, astringency and bitterness should be eaten in summer. This helps in maintaining balance in the body. Cucumber, potatoes, legumes, spinach, bitter gourd, okra, bottle gourd and pumpkin are must-haves in your fridge. Include them in your diet. Which spices should be used while preparing these vegetables, this has also been mentioned in Ayurveda


If we talk about spices, then while cooking in summer, spices with a cooling effect should be used. Excess of pitta dosha can cause problems like hotness in the stomach, loss of appetite and rashes on the skin. In such a situation, cool spices like fennel, coriander, cardamom and cumin not only balance the taste but also reduce the heat inside the body. Apart from this, while cooking, spices like asafoetida which helps in digestion must be included.

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