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We all know very well that God sends every person to this earth by giving them color and they also write their fate, but in oceanic scriptures, body texture and any sign or mark on the body also indicates good or bad luck. The texture of the body gives indications and many types of marks are considered to be a sign of good luck. In Jyoti Shastras, looking at the horoscope of any person, it is told about his fate and nature. A person's luck is told by texture, let us tell you through this article what kind of girls are considered to be lucky and their air makes them different as soon as they are kept in the house, let's know in detail -

* Connection of luck with a finger:

Let us tell you that girls who have long fingers are considered to be very lucky, such girls are creative as well as progress well in business and jobs. According to Vastu Shastra, girls with long fingers are considered lucky.

Photo Credit: TV9 Bharatvarsh

According to Vastu Shastra, it is said that girls who have a lotus circle or a conch shell on the sole of their feet are considered very fortunate.

* Moles also give signs of fate:

Let us tell you that girls with moles near the navel and on the nose are also considered very lucky, for both their parents and in-laws, such girls are considered very fortunate, these girls bring happiness and prosperity in the house.

Photo Credit: Zee News

* Prediction of fate from the beauty of the eyes:

Let us tell you that girls with big eyes fill the house with happiness, in the houses where there are girls with big eyes, along with prosperity, love also remains in those houses.

* Wealth grains remain in such a palm:

Let us tell you that the girls whose middle part of the palm is inclined. There is never any shortage of money in the luck of such girls, these girls are considered very lucky regarding money, they always have money.

* Such girls are also lucky:

According to Vastu Shastra, let us tell you that girls with broad foreheads are considered very auspicious for the in-laws' side, as soon as the steps of these girls are read in the house, it starts raining happiness and prosperity there.