Our body makes vitamin D on its own in sunlight. We also get it from many types of foods. Vitamin D is very important for the body. Along with the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, it also keeps our immune system strong. With increasing age, this vitamin starts decreasing in the body. Also, today's lifestyle is such that people do not get sunlight. In such a situation, there is often a deficiency of vitamin D in the body of vegetarians. The most troublesome thing is that most people do not understand the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency. Symptoms may go unnoticed for many months and years after your body has low vitamin D.Here are some signs by which you can recognize the deficiency of Vitamin D in the body.

Cough not getting better?

If you are getting sick frequently, especially cold, cough, or cold, then vitamin D deficiency could be the reason behind it. If you have a cough and it is not getting better for a long time, then on the advice of a doctor, get vitamin D checked.

Back and Bone pain

If you have pain in the lower back or pain in the bones, then vitamin D deficiency can also be the reason. Vitamin D helps absorb calcium, which keeps your bones strong.

May be depression

Many experts believe that a lack of vitamin D can cause depression, especially in adults. However, the results of many studies do not support this point.

Is hair falling out?

The reason for hair fall is due to lack of nutrition and stress. At the same time, the indirect link to hair loss is also believed to be vitamin D deficiency.

May be a heart problem

Vitamin D deficiency is believed to cause problems ranging from hypertension, and heart failure to stroke.

Too much vitamin D also harms

Vitamin D deficiency can cause many problems, while excessive vitamin D supplements can also cause harm. Vitamin D toxicity can increase blood calcium.

sources of vitamin d

Vegetarian sources of vitamin D are few. Vitamin D is found in fatty fish, egg yolk, yogurt, fortified milk, fortified orange juice, etc. If needed, supplements can also be taken on the advice of the doctor. At the same time, the best way is to spend some time in the sunlight in the morning.