Periods are the days when women are most uncomfortable and anxious. No matter why, only the pain has to be tolerated a little. Many times it is not known when the blood stain gets on the clothes. There was a time when women used to wear only cloth during periods, which is not safe at all. With time, pads have started being sold in the market for periods.

Even today, most women use pads only when they have periods, while there are many options available in the market. The fear of leakage remains with the use of pads. Pads also have to be changed frequently due to excess or overflow. Today in this article, we will tell you what things you can use other than pads.

What are reusable cloth pads?

As its name somewhat suggests, this pad is reusable. This is the reason why reusable cloth pads are being used more among women. These pads are made from soft and bridgeable material, due to which they are less prone to damage. You can also wash and reuse this pad. This pad is also eco-friendly.

What is a menstrual cup?

A menstrual cup is a very useful item for periods. Instead of pads, the menstrual cup works to hold more blood during periods. Plus, it doesn't have to be changed as often as pads. This cup is made of silicone. You can wash it after every use.

The special thing about this cup is that after using it you will not have the problem of leakage. This one cup can be used for up to six months. You will not have to worry about disposing of it either, as it is washable. Menstrual cups also do not harm the environment. The use of cups reduces the chances of getting a serious illness like toxic shock syndrome.

How to use a menstrual cup?

  • First, fold the cup from the middle.
  • Now slowly insert the cup into the vagina.
  • When the cup is inserted into the vagina, twirl it slightly so that the cup is set properly.

There is also a way to store the menstrual cup. You cannot keep it just like that. However, the bag comes with this cup, in which you can keep it. If your bag is lost, use a breathable tote bag.

Period panties

Period panties are used during menstruation. It is like a normal panty. Just this panty absorbs the liquid easily, due to which the clothes do not get stained. This panty has a layer of cloth, which is quite thick. This layer only works to prevent blood leakage. Choose period panties according to blood flow and comfort. You can even wash it. Use non-scented products to wash panties. You will find period panties of different sizes in the market.


Tampons are also used during periods. The tampon is made of cotton, due to which it is safe to use. It is also inserted into the vagina. Tampons have a string attached to them, which is secured to the underwear. Be careful not to use a tampon during an overflow, as it will not be able to fully absorb the blood.

Other information related to period products

  • Remember to wash your hands before using any feminine product. If you don't do this, it could lead to infection.
  • Do not use the pad for more than 3-4 hours. If the flow is high, replace it quickly.
  • Be careful when using tampons. It contains a string, which can cause problems. If this string is pulled, the tampon can come out.
  • Wash period panties thoroughly. Do not use normal soap to wash underwear. These contain harsh chemicals, which spoil the fabric.

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