During pregnancy, a woman has to face many problems and has to take many precautions. If precautions are not taken, it can be harmful to the woman and her unborn baby. At the same time, even after pregnancy, women also have some problems, and they get into thinking that after how many days after pregnancy it is considered appropriate for them to have sex. Today we are going to tell about this in this article after how many days of pregnancy it is considered appropriate to have sex.

If the woman has a normal delivery:

After the normal delivery of the woman, the risk of infection is very less and it takes some time for the wound to heal. That's why it is considered appropriate for a woman to have sex after 1 month after delivery.

Cesarean delivery:

In cesarean delivery, the woman has to face many problems and it is not appropriate to have sex until the stitches on the woman are completely filled.

Let us tell you that you can take the advice of the doctor after how many days of pregnancy it would be appropriate for a woman to have sex.