Nowadays we are active on all social media platforms. There are many jobs such that people have to be constantly on social media even if they do not want to. Everyone has a different vision of what they want to upload on social media, but it is important to keep a few things in mind. Uploading some things on the internet may increase your problems over time. Let us know about this in detail.

What not to share on social media?

Avoid sharing any kind of document on social media. Do not share your Aadhar card, PAN card, electricity bill or any such document on which your date of birth, address or any other important information is written on social media.

Should certificates be shared on social media?

Most of the people use to upload the photo of their certificates on Facebook etc. after achieving something. Generally, we think about how one will be able to misuse all these things which is wrong. From stealing the information present on your certificate, someone can even edit it and misuse it.

Do not share the result on social media

Sharing your results online is also a trend. If you are sharing the results of any of your classes online, anyone can edit your report card and add their name. Because of this, your problems may also increase.

Never post your location online

Apart from all these things, also avoid sharing your location. Very often people share on social media before going anywhere. By doing this someone may follow you and problems may increase.

Do not share the screenshot of the chat online yet. Until you delete it, someone can take a screenshot and misuse it.

Photo Credit: Freepik