We do a lot to reduce the increased weight…take a good diet, try to adopt a good lifestyle. But we do not have time to do yoga or exercise. Also, due to excess weight, it becomes a little difficult to stretch the body.

But just imagine that you have chosen a beautiful sleeveless dress to go to a party, but before wearing it, the fear of your thick and flabby arms will appear in your mind. You start wondering whether you will look beautiful in that dress or not.

However, everybody is special in itself, but the increased fat in the arms does not look good in any way. In such a situation, if you also want to reduce the fat in your arms, then you should do asanas for just 5 minutes every morning. Yes, because today we have brought for you 2 such asanas suggested by expert Dr. Hitesh Khurana, which can be included in your routine.

Let us tell you that Dr. Hitesh Khurana is a chiropractic, ergonomic expert and senior physiotherapist. So what are you waiting for, let us know about effective exercises.

Arm Fat Causes

  • If you notice more fat around your arms, it is a sign that you are consuming too many carbs and sugar in your diet.
  • To reduce arm fat, cut down on carbs and sugar.
  • Also, do arms workouts and get health checkups done regularly.


This asana can be perfect for reducing arm fat. It is said that Bhujangasana not only strengthens your shoulders and arms but also increases the flexibility of the body. Not only this, it helps relieve back pain including stress and fatigue.

But you will get all the benefits of Bhujangasana only when you do it correctly. So let us try to know below how Bhujangasana can be done.

How to do Bhujangasana?

  • First of all, lie down on the ground.
  • Then place your palms on the floor shoulder-width apart.
  • Now, keeping your lower body on the ground, inhale and lift your chest from the floor and look towards the ceiling.
  • Exhale and bring your body back to the floor. Repeat this process.

AdhoMukhaSvanasanaFor Arm Fat

AdhoMukhaSvanasana is known as the Downward-Facing Dog Pose. By doing this you have to bend your head towards the ground, which increases the blood circulation of the scalp. This asana helps stretch the calves and hamstrings of your legs.

This asana opens your shoulders and also benefits your spine. Additionally, extra fat in the body is also reduced, especially the fat in the hands. but to do it

How to do AdhoMukhaSvanasana?

  • To do this asana, first sit in Vajrasana.
  • Curl your toes. After this, lift the hips upwards and straighten the knees.
  • In this, keep both your hands on the ground or mat.
  • The fingers of your hands should be spread.
  • While doing this asana, your body should be in the shape of a triangle.
  • You can practice this asana for 10 to 15 minutes.

Note- If you have any physical problems, you can consult an expert before doing these. Also, their benefits depend on your physical health.

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