Today Funny Jokes: The stress of our life goes away by laughing and smiling. At the same time, positivity comes inside us, which helps us to get out of the most difficult situation. Laughter is not less than any yoga, because it gives many benefits to our body and mind. The most important thing is that there is no need for any special occasion to laugh. You can laugh at any time with the help of Jokes and Chutkule. The people around you are also happy by laughing and joking, due to which a pleasant atmosphere is maintained. That is why we have got some funny jokes for you which you will not be able to stop laughing after reading. So what is the delay, let's go on the journey of laughing and making people laugh...

Santa- What is the score?
Banta - I Love You 2
Santa - what the hell are you talking about?
Banta- Pagal 143 Par 2…
Indian IPL is Boss can be anything.

Boy to a girl - I want to be friends with you.
Girl - So when did we have enmity brother?
The boy took silence...

Santa - What are you worried about?
Banta- Friend, I am from family members.
Santa- What did the family members do?
Banta- The day I think that I will do something new, on the same day the family members send wheat to be ground.

Husband-wife fought... after being silent all-day
The wife came to her husband and said - After quarreling like this, I am not feeling well.
Let's do one thing, you compromise a little, I do a little.
Husband- Ok, what to do?
Wife - You apologize to me and I forgive you.

Santa- Who sells the purest goods to their customers?
Banta- Electricity Department.
Santa - how is that?
Banta - Touch and see, you will know.

(pc amarujala)