Are you troubled by freckles?

Are you tired of trying thousands of products without any good results?

Now is the time to understand that the problem is internal and your diet plays an important role in treating skin blemishes.

Vitamins are used in almost all skin care products and certainly can control freckles. So, why not understand that this problem is caused by the deficiency of which vitamins in the body? Today, through this article, we will see how the deficiency of vitamins increases the problem of hyperpigmentation.

How do vitamins for freckles work?

The problem of freckles occurs when the level of melanin in our skin increases. Many factors can affect your melanin production and cause freckles. Some of the factors that can affect the increased melanin in your skin include your age, hormones, skin problems, sun exposure, dietary deficiencies or any other disease etc.

Vitamins that reduce melanin production are an effective way to improve skin tone and texture. When you use the right vitamins in the right amounts, they work wonders in no time.

Vitamins promote the rapid growth of skin cells and improve cell health. They also promote the production of collagen in the skin, which in turn improves skin elasticity and reduces fine lines. It also helps in making the skin look shiny.

1. Vitamin-C

You must have heard about the many benefits of using Vitamin C. Rich in antioxidants, this vitamin has anti-ageing benefits that reduce the oxidative stress of the skin and help you achieve smoother, shiny and even skin tone. It reduces fine lines and wrinkles apart from improving the production of collagen in the skin.

But do you know that Vitamin-C for freckles works best on all skin types? It keeps away redness, itching and wrinkling. It also reduces your under-eye circles and puffiness. Sun exposure and skin damage are major causes of hyperpigmentation.

Vitamin C provides the most essential sun protection and keeps the skin hydrated for a long time. Hence, it is also a part of most sunscreens.

2. Vitamin-E

Vitamin E is one of the best vitamins for the health of your skin. Also, it is the most powerful vitamin which reduces melanin production on your skin. Many skin care products include vitamin E for its ability to control freckles. Due to its deficiency, the problem starts appearing on the face.

Vitamin E works best for pigmentation. This vitamin is rich in antioxidants that reduce the appearance of puffiness, wrinkles and blemishes on your skin. The use of Vitamin E around the lips for freckles also provides good results. This is the reason why most skin care products contain this vitamin.

3. Vitamin-A

Another vitamin whose deficiency can cause freckles. That is Vitamin-A. It controls the level of tyrosinase in the skin. Tyrosinase is an enzyme that affects melanin production in our skin. By controlling this enzyme and its activity, Vitamin A can help reduce hyperpigmentation by up to 70%.

Vitamin-A makes your skin spotless and soft apart from preventing wrinkles and loose skin. It is also known to reduce the size of your pores and promote new cell growth.

Vitamins are very effective in treating not only freckles but also many other health problems. Vitamins that reduce melanin production also help your skin deal with other problems like dryness, patchiness, and redness. If you do not take enough vitamins from your diet, make sure you take supplements for vitamin deficiency after consulting a doctor.

Image Credit: Shutterstock &Freepik


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