PainKiller Side Effects: In this run-of-the-mill life, the problem of headache or body ache often persists due to fatigue. In such a situation, being troubled by pain, we often resort to painkillers to get rid of it. These days many people are using painkillers every day. People eat painkillers even when there is mild pain. But do you know that excessive use of pain killers can prove to be harmful to you? Very few people would know that continuous use of painkillers increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. Along with this, it also has many other side effects on the body. If you are also among those people who often use painkillers, then definitely know about the disadvantages caused by it.

Immunity is weak
If you are using pain killer even for minor pain, then be careful. Excessive use of pain killers harms your body. Eating it for a long time can reduce our immunity. Because of this, our body will lose its power to fight the disease. Also, taking painkillers weakens the body's ability to produce "feel good" chemicals and endorphins.

Harmful to the liver
Eating pain killer also has a profound effect on our liver. The liver breaks down and processes these drugs. But when we keep consuming pain killers continuously, the liver starts accumulating toxic substances from these medicines, which damages the liver.

Dangerous for heart
Often, to get quick relief from pain, people break the pain killer or inject it into the body as a direct injection. By doing this, the medicine goes directly into your blood, which affects the heart. Eating painkillers for a long time sometimes increases the chances of serious heart problems and heart attacks.

Stomach problems
Eating too much pain killer can also cause problems in our stomach and intestines. Excessive use of painkillers can lead to serious problems like constipation, bloating, flatulence and piles. This happens because it is difficult for our bodies to digest pain killers.

Damage to nerves
Many people use pain killer injections to get quick relief from pain. But it is even more harmful for us. Injecting drugs like opioid painkillers can damage nerves, which can lead to blood infections and many diseases.