There was a time when Adnan Sami's weight was around 250 kg, a few years ago he reduced his weight by 130 kg, and Adnan Sami surprised everyone by doing an amazing transformation.

During a conversation, Adnan told how he reduced his weight. Adnan had told, 'I went to the doctor for a routine checkup, he gave me six months and said that if the lifestyle does not change then life can go']

After this, Adnan Sami's father urged him to take the matter of weight loss seriously. Adnan told, 'I lost weight after hard work, determination, and lifestyle changes.

Adnan stayed away from social life for six months and focused only on himself, during which he met a dietician. Adnan said that he made himself mentally strong by ignoring people's jokes, this helped him a lot in reducing weight. Miley