Kangna is one of the best actresses of the new generation of Bollywood. The best acting in a film like Queen and establishing its own identity has not been used properly in Dhakad. The title of the film is Dhakd. But the screenplay of the film is not strong. Viewers had high hopes for Dhakad's Trail 2.

There have been many films in the past about actresses becoming action stars.

These include Deepika Padukone, starting from Fiales Nadia. Uma wants to be Thurman in Kangna Dhakad. Quentin has become a secret agent in the film, which looks like Tentino's Kilbil Scenes, which seeks to break a web that has spread all over the world.

The story starts abroad and spreads in the country. Is his mark. Coal mafia which has been involved in all these misdeeds for years. The story of the film is absolutely true for such an action film in its own right but in the screenplays it gets eaten up.

In terms of acting, Kangana has hit the ground running here. Arjun Vampal is only a part of the past. Divya Datraji looks hard.

Technically Dhakd can only be seen for cinematography. Japanese cinematographer Tetsuo Nagata has shot the entire film in a different way. Its color palette is also very influential. He is also fascinated by the experiments he has done in the field of dance and dance. If you are a big fan of Kangana then only watch this movie in Cinema H5, the rest of the general audience will love watching OTT5 movie.